Thursday, 2 July 2009

It's Been a While

Hello one and all. I realize it's been a while since I last blogged... and I'm afraid today's offering aint much more than 'scrapbooking' some ideas I've seen lately. That said, in a couple of days time I'll be summarizing and reviewing Tom Himpke's book 'Advertising is dead. Long live advertising!' which i managed to get from cancer research's Amazon shop for £11. Woo! So far its already got me thinking differently, my favourite quote has to be "Reality is nothing more than a first draft" ... but as I say, that's for the next post. For now, take a look at these lovely ideas, perfectly engineered and executed to get your Attention!  (click on the image for the big ones) :

By Fischer (Lisbon), Source: I believe in Adv blog

Courtesy of Tom Banham's random internet scouring!

By JWT (Melbourne), Source: Osocio blog

Lovely. In other news, today I went to the job centre. It went fine, and they even tried to offer me an interview for a job working for them, but the post was apparently filled a couple of days earlier. They gave me a few other leads in clerical/admin work which I'll chase up, but if all else fails I'll soon be on t'dole. Hurrah! 

1 comment:

  1. Sign on..
    Sign on..
    With a pen in your hand
    And you'll never get a job
    You'll never get a job.
