Thursday, 26 November 2009

Straplines and the holy grail

In a recent blog post by Dave Trott over at Brand Republic he discusses including the name of the product or brand in the strapline or ad itself. How, of late, it seems to have become a rather uncool or unsophisticated thing to do. But his point is that linking the message to a brand is something that somehow has to be done - if T-Mobile's flash mobs just sell 'mobile phones' and not T-Mobile mobile phones, then they are doing the competitor's advertising for them!

In the subsequent discussion to the blog post, we hit on some classic straps which contain the name... 'Heinz Meanz Beanz', 'Ooh Ahh Daily Star'. I suggested the following two which have achieved the holy grail of all straplines... to enter common parlance.

Whenever someone overdoes something, hits the golf ball too far, lifts a table exceedingly well or whatever, people often say 'Someone's had their Weetabix'...

That's a strap that will outlive any campaign they happen to run.
It's good that they've gone back to it.

'Shoulda gone to specsavers' is another which if not said out loud, plays in your thoughts whenever you see bad glasses.

Dave is certainly on to something here.


  1. i love the new weetabix advert.

    Thanks for the blog comment..
    where are you currently working?

  2. I'm not working anywhere.
    I'm trying to get on at Watford.
    Got an interview in 2 weeks time.
    So technically I'm a jobseeker - but I work for a zine while I've got the time:

  3. Good luck with a cherry on top
    Watford is a top course and good lecturers- so ive been told.

    Do you have your portfolio to view anywhere?
