Last week I sent off my application to the Watford course. Waiting for a reply was like torture (for a neurotic like me), but they decided to invite me to an interview on Dec 16th. This is good news!
In the couple of days spent waiting, I busied myself with some drawing. My friend Louis wanted some artwork designing for his website, so I came up with a nice banner and logo. You can visit his great Techno/Electro blog 'Louis Louis' right here. I also made a little image for stickers/tee-shirts he might be printing. Who knew I could draw so well using Illustrator alone?!
There's lots to be done in preparation for the interview. Learning all the agencies names, creatives, clients, past campaigns. Not to mention improving my portfolio. I'm also trying desperately hard not to think about the Dragon's Den style presentation I'll have to do...
Pressure's on.
Good Luck at Watford!