Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Viagra, Watford and Keeping on going

(Above: a lovely simple ad for viagra - visual, logo - nothing to do with the post below!)

Hey lovely followers! How are you? As some of you may have heard, Watford have given me another go at the interview on March 2nd. This is great news. Apparently it isn't uncommon to have two goes. The two Watford students whose blogs I've followed had to try twice before getting on, so I'm not the only one.

As of yesterday I'm on a mission to do a million times better this time round. I now know what is expected of me.

Here's my regime for the next month:

1. Watch Luke Sullivan's lecture on simplicity
I did this yesterday, and every time I watch it I'm inspired to write ads. It's like the bible of ad writing condensed into one sermon.

2. Rewrite my portfolio
This means pretty much replacing every campaign if possible. If I write one ad/campaign per night I should have around 25. I'll take the best 12 and put them in my folio.

3. Learn all the agencies/clients/creative directors
As you may know, I really tried this last time, but only got 4/10 on the test. It's hard recalling so much in only one minute. If I record all the info onto an audio file and listen to it on my MP3 I'll be able to memorise it in my lunch breaks.

Which brings me to my next thing to tell you. I got a job.
Its a boring admin job, but it's what you gotta do in a recession.
This makes it very hard not to come home at 5:30pm and just veg out with a beer till bed time.
It's all about self-discipline.
Wish me luck.


  1. Good Luck Good Luck Good Luck!! You'll be great I'm sure!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. That Viagra ad's a terrible pun. Nice photography though.

  4. It's not just that he's got wood is it?
    I thought it was because he'd keep going for so long that they'd need to keep putting logs on the fire.
    Maybe I'm reading to much into it.
