Yesterday was my last day at Foxkalomaski. It went fairly well. I helped out with some scamps for an A2 board for a company called Star Alliance who were running a competition to win free flights to europe which you enter by handing over your business card. The line I used was 'Your business card could be your ticket' - with a graphic of someone chucking an aeroplane made from a folded business card. Boring stuff really. Then I helped with some scamps for ASK restaurant's new years eve promo. They ended up using a couple of my ideas. (There were some horrible puns flying about for the christmas posters too; Yule love it, Merry Menu, Christmas Pizzaz! It made me feel quite sick.) Then, after a good chat with the chaps in Brik Digital, I went and played with ideas for Yorkshire tourist board...

I learnt a lot these two weeks: about how the business works, about how fussy clients can be, about the daily commute and about what not to put in my book. I managed not to go out on the town once in my entire time here which is a bit crap. Looking forward to getting back to sheffield.
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