Besides discussing our favourite Economist ads, he gave me a few words of advice on putting a book together. Though he studied Pharmacology at Uni and got into advertising via quite an unusual route (without needing a book), he had plenty to tell me. After showing him a few of my creative test responses, I realized that a lot of them needed work and weren't up to scratch (the fact that there we're some I didn't even want to show him told me enough!) I need to go back and rethink a lot of what I have so far. However, he did like the following line I did for lovefilm.com:
I intend to write a few more of these and put them in my book, but I'm having trouble repeating that simple 'setup - twist' formula. Any suggestions are welcome! I'm also thinking of putting some ads in for Dreams (the bed company) because their advertising is damn awful. I also started coming up with some ideas for the D&Ad 'Metro' newspaper brief which I intend to put in my book too. I'm giving myself till January to send off my Watford application.
The race is on!
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